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  • in reply to: Hamburger Menus Not Working Correctly #3798

    Ok, finally figured it out, my code was marking submenus with the bootstrap ‘dropdown-menu’ class. I’m dynamically building my menus which worked fine with 1.0 version of SmartMenu and the bootstrap addon. I’m currently trying out the non bootstrap menus.

    in reply to: Dynamic Menu Population Not Supported #2898

    The auto attach to bootstrap feature caused me a few hours of pain again today. I was converting my JSRender templated Bootstrap menu over to use Knockout so that I could include 1 less library.

    I finally discovered that SmartMenu was auto attaching to this fragment prior to the KO binding

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
          <ul id="navBarMenu" class="nav navbar-nav" data-bind="template: { name: 'menuSection-template', foreach: menu}">

    After KO binding\templating is completed, calling


    does nothing. I guess it figures it has already attached to the menu fragment.

    Marking the #navBarMenu with


    and then removing it after KO binding resolved the problem.

    Again, I would suggest the library not auto attach to Bootstrap menus or at least throw an error when initing a BS menu a second time.

    in reply to: Dynamic Menu Population Not Supported #2891

    Thanks, the current dev version resolves the issue.

    I have not perused the code but I personally would prefer to see a model that must be explicitly initialized rather than aut initializing such as the ‘release’ version did.

    in reply to: Dynamic Menu Population Not Supported #2883

    Actually I told you wrong error message when I attempt to use $.SmartMenus.Bootstrap.init();

    JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property ‘init’ of undefined or null reference

    I have double checked and retried my code and yours (this is a weekend project) I have the latest SmartMenu and they are loaded on the page
    SmartMenus jQuery Plugin Bootstrap Addon – v0.2.0 – June 1, 2015
    SmartMenus jQuery Plugin – v1.0.0-beta1 – June 1, 2015

    Below is exact code as I tried commented out are your suggestion and a couple things I tried. I can make this work with the last line $.fn.smInit() which is my tweak on jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js

     var liHtml = $("#menuTemplateBS").render(menuSections);
          $(jqMenuId).empty().append('<ul id="bsMenu" class="nav navbar-nav">' + liHtml + '</ul');
          // $(jqMenuId + " ul").smartmenus('refresh');

    Here is my tweak to jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js that allows things to work. This is what lead me to the original post. Actually, I had to just a bit more but this is the gist. I don’t fully comprehend why this works and just how to properly resolve.

    (function($) {
    	// init ondomready
    	//$( function() {
      $.fn.smInit = function() {
    in reply to: Dynamic Menu Population Not Supported #2876

    I am unable to get either of these to work. Here is how I am populating my BootStrap menu via JsRender

    var liHtml = $("#menuTemplateBS").render(menuSections);
          $(jqMenuId).empty().append('<ul id="bsMenu" class="nav navbar-nav">' + liHtml + '</ul');

    I’ve tried both your suggestions after the above and even from console manually well after the page is displayed.


    Says Bootstrap is undefined and refresh doesn’t error but doesn’t seem to do anything

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