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on Fly refresh

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x on Fly refresh

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  • #2274

    I’m using smartmenu to build multi-levels menu dynamically from data about organization hierarchy exposed from database.
    For each mouse over event, an ajax call is fired to get children and append them in runtime,

    Everything is fine, except that when calling smartmenu(‘refresh’) as mentioned in documentation the whole menu collapsed!!!!!!!!!!

    is there some workaround to get rid of this behavior?!!!


    Well, I have resolved this issue through workaround by commenting the following line of code:
    which is inside function refresh in file jquery.smartmenus.js

    the question here, is there any impact of that change that may affect performance or memory at client side?!!!


    It shouldn’t affect performance or memory in a bad way. You may just possibly notice some weird buggy behavior of the sub menus or incorrect parent item highlighting, etc. But I will need to test a live demo in order to figure out if any major issues might happen with your exact code.

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