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Multilevel Menu width

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Multilevel Menu width

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  • #1416

    I’m trying to get a drop down to multimenu in bootstrap go wider than the auto it keeps trying to set. I’d like to fill one of the multi-levels with a larger dataset of links but can’t get the width to expand to fill the content. Help.


    Hi, you will need to override the default options which are:

    subMenusMinWidth: '10em',	// min-width for the sub menus (any CSS unit) - if set, the fixed width set in CSS will be ignored
    subMenusMaxWidth: '20em',	// max-width for the sub menus (any CSS unit) - if set, the fixed width set in CSS will be ignored

    To do this, you need to edit the following in “jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js”:

    						// these are some good default options that should work for all
    						// you can, of course, tweak these as you like
    						subMenusSubOffsetX: 2,
    						subMenusSubOffsetY: -6,
    						subIndicatorsPos: 'append',
    						subIndicatorsText: '...',
    						collapsibleShowFunction: null,
    						collapsibleHideFunction: null,
    						rightToLeftSubMenus: $this.hasClass('navbar-right'),
    						bottomToTopSubMenus: $this.closest('.navbar').hasClass('navbar-fixed-bottom')

    and pass the subMenusMaxWidth option with a desired value (could be even '' if you don’t want any max-width constraint):

    						subMenusMaxWidth: '30em',
    						// these are some good default options that should work for all
    						// you can, of course, tweak these as you like
    						subMenusSubOffsetX: 2,
    						subMenusSubOffsetY: -6,
    						subIndicatorsPos: 'append',
    						subIndicatorsText: '...',
    						collapsibleShowFunction: null,
    						collapsibleHideFunction: null,
    						rightToLeftSubMenus: $this.hasClass('navbar-right'),
    						bottomToTopSubMenus: $this.closest('.navbar').hasClass('navbar-fixed-bottom')

    Let me know if you still have any troubles.


    Sorry but that didn’t work. Here’s what I’m trying to do:

    Mouseover Our Communities and mouseover Baltimore. You’ll see the multilevel dropdown is no where near wide enough. It keeps overriding my css with width auto.


    Got it! Remove the width from this section of the smartmenus.js code.


    Then add this css to your code:

    #main-menu .navbar-nav ul ul {width:40em);

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