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Mobile collapsed menu change collapsed icon

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x Mobile collapsed menu change collapsed icon

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  • #2875

    I got the menu fully working in mobile but my issue is the following. When collapsed the word “Menu +” appears as a button to open the menu. What I want to do is replace that word for the hamburger-like menu icon. I can add the icon but it just adds it at the end of the word “Menu” and does not replace it. How can I do to replace that text for an icon of my liking?
    Here I paste the code I have for the menu button.

    <a href="#"></a>

    then immediately comes the <ul>with the menu. All this is inside a <navbar class"navbar"> tag and a <div class"container-fluid>

    I searched for that word in the js provided to see if it was there that the word was assigned, cause as you can see the <a> tag that contains the button does not have any text in it.
    if I write the following instead:

    <a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger"></i></a>

    it’s when it appears the word “Menu” and the icon, when what I want is just the icon.

    Thanks in advance and hope that you answer me soon.


    Just find and delete the following rules in the CSS you use for the menu button:

    #menu-button:before {
      content: 'Menu -';
    #menu-button.collapsed:before {
      content: 'Menu +';

    thanks, I searched all the possible HTMLs and JSs but didn’t cross my mind to search in the css haha. Now it’s working. Thanks a lot and nice plugin you got here

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