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Mobile behavior on all breakpoints (xs, sm, md & lg)> style css + click on items

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x Mobile behavior on all breakpoints (xs, sm, md & lg)> style css + click on items

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  • #3454


    On my site, I want to place a collapsed menu (main menu) on all the bootstrap breakpoints and keep the mobile behavior for all these resolutions (xs, sm, md & lg).

    For this time, I force the display of the collapse button in my header and get the collasped menu.

    On mobile and with the opened menu, we have the good behavior and we click on the menu items to expand/unexpand submenus… But on the other resolutions (sm, md & lg), the submenus appears with a hover behavior. Can I force the effects css & click on items actions (of sm) for all the resolutions?

    How can I proceed to resolve this problem? I have tested with a javascript on my menu without sucess :

    $('.navbar-collapse #main-menu').addClass('sm sm-collapsible').smartmenus({

    I’m use this menu on Drupal with Bootstrap. Is a problem related to Bootstrap?

    Thanks for your help!!!
    And happy New Year !


    In this post I read a similar issue:

    But I get always a hover effect when I hover the menu item on desktop resolution.

    I use an additonal .js with my site : jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js. Maybe that the javascript broke the click behavior?

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