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hide menu items on click and cursor sign

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x hide menu items on click and cursor sign

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  • #1393


    I’am using the responsive mobile version. A menu button appears when the viewport gets small. On click on the menu button the menu items appears.

    I would like the menu items collapse (disappear) automatically when the user clicks on a menu link. Only the menu-button should be on the top of the mobile-site.

    How can I do this?

    The second thing. On mouseover on the menu button the cursor shows not the hand. It’s showing the text cursor. Why?

    Thanks, sunkist


    Hi, you could use the following:

    $('#main-menu').bind('select.smapi', function(e, item) {

    If you use a different id for your menu button, just update #menu-button accordingly.

    Let me know if you still have any troubles (a live demo would also help very much).


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