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Do not show submenus on parent item click

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Do not show submenus on parent item click

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  • #1363

    When I click the item that has a sub menu, I do not want to show its sub menus but just want to take me to the target page of that item.

    I only want to display its submenus when I am already in the target page.

    It is working fine if I am using a desktop web browsers (e.g. chrome, IE, firefox) but when I try to view the page on ipad and iphone using safari and chrome I couldnt click the item nor expand the submenus.

    Here is the code I am currently using:

    //Vertical Menu
    mainMenuSubOffsetX: 1,
    mainMenuSubOffsetY: -8,
    subMenusSubOffsetX: 1,
    hideOnClick: false,
    showOnClick: false,
    showFunction: function($ul, complete) { complete(); }

    //Remove the click event handler to prevent menu from collapsing its submenus

    //collapse the submenus of the current selected menu item
    $(‘#side-menu’).smartmenus(‘itemActivate’, $(‘a.current’));

    I really appreciate any help with this.
    Please help. Thanks!


    Also, I tried adding a showOnClick: false but it seems not working and I tried overriding some events but it still showing the submenus when I click the item. 🙁



    As far as I understand, you have a collapsible sidebar menu for both desktop and mobile, so you could achieve it, for example, like this:

    	mainMenuSubOffsetX: 1,
    	mainMenuSubOffsetY: -8,
    	subMenusSubOffsetX: 1
    // collapse the submenus of the current selected menu item
    $('#side-menu').smartmenus('itemActivate', $('a.current'));
    // disable showing/hiding any sub menus
    $('#side-menu').bind('beforeshow.smapi beforehide.smapi', function() {
    	return false;

    Please let me know if you need any further tweaks.


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