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Click-to-expand parent at mobile size, but for only for root level?

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Click-to-expand parent at mobile size, but for only for root level?

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  • #3863

    Hi all, what do I need to do get the menu working so at collapsed size, *only* the root level parent items are click-to-expand, but anything past that the are treated as links? Our intention is to use CSS to force all levels under the root items to show if expanded, but need all level 2 and onward links clickable to go to the HREF.

    Thanks in advance!


    I should also clarify, I’ve tried using the code from this thread: to make it so ALL parents are links and the sub-arrow is what expands/collapses, using CSS to fully cover level1 parents with the sub-arrow element and to force the level3 ul.dropdown-menu’s to display, but doing this causes the level2 parents to not be clickable.

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