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Automatically open/expand current path in mobile view

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x Automatically open/expand current path in mobile view

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  • #3763


    I wonder if there is a way to keep the current path open in the collapsed mobile view.

    I have a menu structure like below. Say I have a submenulink activated:

    -Menulink 1
    -- submenulink a
    -- * submenulink b (current)</strong>
    -Menulink 2
    -- submenulink c
    -- submenulink d

    When I load the page and open the mobile menu via hamburger icon I see the following:

    -Menulink 1
    -Menulink 2

    What I want to achieve is that the current path is expanded when I open the menu, so i see something like this:

    -Menulink 1
    -- submenulink a
    -- * submenulink b (current)
    -Menulink 2
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