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Re: How to disable/enable only one sub menu?

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x How to disable/enable only one sub menu? Re: How to disable/enable only one sub menu?


OK, there is no available method for this, but you could achieve it, for example, with some custom functions like these:

function disableItem($parentLI) {
	$parentLI.on('mouseenter.smartmenus mouseleave.smartmenus mousedown.smartmenus focus.smartmenus blur.smartmenus click.smartmenus touchend.smartmenus', 'a', function(e) {

function enableItem($parentLI) {
	$'mouseenter.smartmenus mouseleave.smartmenus mousedown.smartmenus focus.smartmenus blur.smartmenus click.smartmenus touchend.smartmenus');

When calling any of these you will need to pass the item’s LI element as an argument. For example, if you have the following HTML:

<li id="myParentItem"><a>Menu 2 </a>

you could use the following JS to disable/enable the item (and its sub menu):
