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Reply To: Keyboard plugin fails in IE when JAWS is enabled

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x Keyboard plugin fails in IE when JAWS is enabled Reply To: Keyboard plugin fails in IE when JAWS is enabled


@blobula – yes, actually, I did get this resolved. In order to improve the JAWS experience, I make two changes to the DOM after SM has loaded: menu links (a) get role=menuitem and the list items (li) get role=presentation. I don’t remember offhand if both were required to fix this specific issue, or if one had been added for another reason.

I still have an issue where JAWS/IE double-announces some items, but it’s got nothing to do with SM specifically. Pretty sure that’s a known issue. Otherwise, the menu is working really well now!

I’d considered submitting a patch but just haven’t got that far…