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Reply To: Submenu formatting

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Ah, then neglect my previous post. If you would like to include custom HTML code inside your sub menus, you can use mega drop-downs. The last sub menu on the default demo page (“demo/index.html” in the download ZIP) is a mega drop down:

So you would have something like this:

<div class="level1">
  <ul class="sm level1">
    <li><a href="#">Main menu item 1</a>
      <ul class="mega-menu">
          <div class="menu2">
            <div class="column">
                  <a href="#">Item 2</a>

                  <a href="#">Item 3</a>

            <div class="column">
                  <a href="#">Item 4</a>

                  <a href="#">Item 5</a>

                  <a href="#">Item 6</a>

            <div class="clearboth"></div>
    <li><a href="#">Main menu item 2</a>
      <ul class="mega-menu">
          Mega drop down 2 content...

and the following CSS as a start for the nested lists inside the mega drop-downs:

.mega-menu ul {
	display: block;
	position: static;

because by default ul elements in the menu tree are considered actual sub menus and have display: none; applied in “sm-core-css.css”.