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Reply To: Mobile devices: open link on first click, multilevel menu

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Mobile devices: open link on first click, multilevel menu Reply To: Mobile devices: open link on first click, multilevel menu


Now I also want to start the links of the first or second level by first click. In this case it can show the submenus for a short time, but then link directly on its first click to the page.

Hmm, are you sure about this?

First, please define “a short time”?

And second, if “a short time” is something like a second or two, it doesn’t make sense to show the sub menus at all since the users will not be able to tap any items in them before the parent link is loaded automatically. And if the timeout is longer (e.g. 5-10 seconds or more), it still doesn’t make sense since at some moment after a sub menu is expanded the browser will just start loading the parent link and the users will have no idea what happens..