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Re: submenus are not being displayed

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x submenus are not being displayed Re: submenus are not being displayed


You don’t have to link the script and CSS files directly from GitHub since it’s not a CDN. Additionally “jquery-loader.js” is used just on the demo pages to allow easy testing with different jQuery versions, so instead of it, you should just use whatever jQuery version you like.

So to fix the issue you will need to replace the following:

<!-- jQuery -->

<!-- SmartMenus jQuery plugin -->


<!-- SmartMenus core CSS (required) -->

<!-- "sm-blue" menu theme (optional, you can use your own CSS, too) -->

with something like this:

<!-- jQuery -->

<!-- SmartMenus jQuery plugin -->


<!-- SmartMenus core CSS (required) -->

<!-- "sm-blue" menu theme (optional, you can use your own CSS, too) -->
