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Re: Submenu symbol missing?

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Submenu symbol missing? Re: Submenu symbol missing?


Hi, yes, you can see on the default example that the “sm-clean” class shows sub indicators:

Though the class that the script sets to the spans is “sub-arrow” which makes me think you might possibly also use some other script that adds those “more-indicator” spans you mention (or they are directly outputted in the source).

The sub indicators are generally controlled by the “subIndicators”, “subIndicatorsPos” and “subIndicatorsText” options. By default “subIndicatorsText” is set to “+” which means you would get the following:

<a href="#"><span class="sub-arrow">+</span>Item text</a>

And then in the theme we have the following CSS:

.sm-clean a span.sub-arrow {
	/* we will use one-side border to create a triangle so that we don't use a real background image, of course, you can use a real image if you like too */
	border-width:4px; /* tweak size of the arrow */
	border-style:solid dashed dashed dashed;
	border-color:#555 transparent transparent transparent;
/* and few more rules for sub levels and mobile... */

The following declarations:

	border-width:4px; /* tweak size of the arrow */
	border-style:solid dashed dashed dashed;
	border-color:#555 transparent transparent transparent;

basically make sure the “+” is hidden and we then apply some border to create the triangle instead. If you would like to show the “+” or some other symbol instead of the default arrow, just remove the above declarations and it should appear.

I hope this helps, please let me know if you still have any troubles. In that case, it would help very much if you could post some live demo I could test.
