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Re: showOnClick option for the second-level sub menus

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x showOnClick option for the second-level sub menus Re: showOnClick option for the second-level sub menus


Hi sorry for the delay! I was on a vacation.

By default the showOnClick: true option makes the menu tree behave like OS desktop menus where a click activates the tree and then the sub menus are activated immediately on hover. So you would need some sort of mod. The simplest one I can think of is to add the following code on your page after the SmartMenus jQuery code:

	// always emulate touch mode
	$.SmartMenus.prototype.isTouchMode = function() {
		return true;

This would emulate touch mode even when mouse input is available and thus make sure any sub menu is only activated on tap/click.