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Re: Alignment of sub-menu with main menu and sub-menu line height

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Alignment of sub-menu with main menu and sub-menu line height Re: Alignment of sub-menu with main menu and sub-menu line height


Yep, there is a pretty simple fix. The thing is when you add the “navbar-right” class to the root UL element, Bootstrap will automatically right align all sub menus (and the SmartMenus script respects all Bootstrap styles.) So to avoid the issue do not add that class but instead right align the main menu “manually”. For example, you can set an id “main-menu” to your root UL element:

<ul id="main-menu" class="nav navbar-nav">

and then use the following additional CSS:

#main-menu {
	float: right !important;
	margin-right: -15px;
