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Re: Alignment of sub-menu with main menu and sub-menu line height

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Alignment of sub-menu with main menu and sub-menu line height Re: Alignment of sub-menu with main menu and sub-menu line height


OK, thank you.

I just needed to get further ahead with things over the past two weeks which is why I reverted to just the plain bootstrap menu, but I will look to incorporate SmartMenus again on the above basis.

I was later fiddling around with using just pure css for the menu at that previous link but the new dev area is now here

I have got over the problem with the toggle menu, but the sub menus are still right aligned to the main menu where, although I want the menu itself right aligned, I would still like the sub menus aligned with the beginning (left) edge of the main menu rather than the end (right) edge.

Is there still a way to fix this?

Thanks again.