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Reply To: How to use smartmenus 1.1.x with Elementor (uses 1.0.1)?

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x How to use smartmenus 1.1.x with Elementor (uses 1.0.1)? Reply To: How to use smartmenus 1.1.x with Elementor (uses 1.0.1)?



To be honest, I am not familiar with Elementor and the way they’ve implemented the script in their builder but in older SmartMenus versions the different behaviors that can now be controlled with the collapsibleBehavior option could be generally achieved with a few lines of additional code. There are a few examples posted around in the forums but I haven’t compiled a complete list out of them.

If you like, please post an URL to a live page that I could test and explain what exact behavior you would like in collapsible mode and I will find/post a code sample for you.
