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Reply To: Is there a way to reduce the height of the horizontal navbar?

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x Is there a way to reduce the height of the horizontal navbar? Reply To: Is there a way to reduce the height of the horizontal navbar?


Please have a look at and at

If You klick in Firefox(portable developer edition is at sourceforge) with the right mousekey at the right side of the nav and then choose ‘Inspect element ‘, then You see <nav role=navigation> which is also the marked in firefox.
If You add a class to <nav … > then You can style it – evtl. with !important; at the end of the specific parameter like max- height.
The next line is <ul id=main-menu class=”sm sm-simple” …> . If You mark this line You will find: ul, .sm li {.. line-height etc;
These parameters are in the sm-simple.css . Here You can change these and some other parameters.