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Reply To: Menus are great, but don't work. Are these only for use with a certain product?

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x Menus are great, but don't work. Are these only for use with a certain product? Reply To: Menus are great, but don't work. Are these only for use with a certain product?


FURTHER UPDATE: I discovered that some files didn’t get moved from my SmartMenus download folder to the project folder, or not from there to the server. Partly that was because they had varying dates, so FileZilla buried them among my other files, but mainly it’s because of confusion as to what files are needed. In addition to having to correctly install the jquery file(s), the two files mentioned in the code need to be installed, of course. I’ll try installing every file I can find, into the site’s root folder and report back. After installing some of them, the menu has improved. It’s now a proper menu, except that the dropdowns do not appear on hover.

Further complicating my understanding is that the demo (which works fine) has bootstrap… files in its root folder, but I see no such files in the distribution file I downloaded (except in the demo folder).

While I’m at it, although I realize that your core readers are experienced programmers so probably won’t be confused, it would help us novices a lot if your quickstart instructons were a bit more explicit. For example,

“The script is initialized like any other jQuery plugin:”

I’ve never initialized a jQuery plugin before. So I had to search other how-to sites to figure out that it goes before my closing HTML tag, inside a “<script type=text/javascript”>” set. Is that correct? It appears to be, judging from the source code of your download’s demo page, except the demo includes subMenusSubOffset references.

Most helpful would be a specific list, in one place of which files must be on the server, and where to find them. My inclination, if I were you, would be to put them all in one download folder, in whatever tree structure will be needed, and include a Readme.txt file that explains this. I’m afraid your “quick setup” page does not explain it all, and if the Options must be understood, it is hardly “quick.”

Pressing on. Will let you know when it works. Hopefully I will remember how.