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Reply To: Menus are great, but don't work. Are these only for use with a certain product?

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x Menus are great, but don't work. Are these only for use with a certain product? Reply To: Menus are great, but don't work. Are these only for use with a certain product?


UPDATE: When in doubt read the instructions. (What I had thought was this site’s main page turned out not to be.) I have downloaded and expanded the smartmenus-1.1.0 file, but have NO idea what do do with it. Do I simply upload the files and folders to my server and then the code works? Or do I have to use them in combination with a site design program?

I’ve uploaded the files (probably more of them than needed) to my server’s root folder, and I see results, but the menu is still broken. Sorry, although I’ve written in HTML, CSS and PHP for many years, and I understand about including files and libraries, I’m not a professional programmer, and the very concept of this JSCRIPT stuff is new to me. I suspect the problem is in what code I’m using (or not using) to access the external files.