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Reply To: Mobile Menu behavior shows desktop dropdown when clicking parent name

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x + Bootstrap addon Mobile Menu behavior shows desktop dropdown when clicking parent name Reply To: Mobile Menu behavior shows desktop dropdown when clicking parent name


The problem is that you have some data-toggle="dropdown" attributes in your menu HTML structure (which are normally required by Bootstrap but are not needed by the SmartMenus script). I am not sure how exactly you output the menu structure in your WordPress setup but if it’s not easy for you to edit your PHP code to not output these attributes, then you could use something like this as a JS fix:

jQuery(function() {
	jQuery('.navbar-nav [data-toggle="dropdown"]').removeAttr('data-toggle');

BTW, this issue will be fixed in v1.0.0 final and a completely standard Bootstrap 3 structure would then work without any issues.