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Reply To: hover state appearing on touch in mobile/devices

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x hover state appearing on touch in mobile/devices Reply To: hover state appearing on touch in mobile/devices


Awesome! I’ve noticed it in some sites as well. I guess its more apparent in our sites since we have a heavier then usual buttons, text links, and other areas of call to action buttons. It hasn’t raised any eyebrows with our quality assurance dpt and or user end so you’re right, its not a serious concern. That said, we’ll have the ONE client who will notice and complain. lol

I would really appreciate it if you did come up with some fix/path/solution. We love the the product. It has been super reliable and a key component in development of our responsive sites. Would you follow up in this chat string? Im not expecting anything anytime soon but perhaps keep me posted!

Thanks, Joseph.