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Reply To: Vertical dropdown with toogle link clickable and submenu always open

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Vertical dropdown with toogle link clickable and submenu always open Reply To: Vertical dropdown with toogle link clickable and submenu always open


Its crazy.
Searching 2 days for a solution of this problem and found it 5 minutes after posting in this forum.

Here is the solution:

$(function() {
			mainMenuSubOffsetX: 1,
			mainMenuSubOffsetY: -8,
			markCurrentItem: true,
		markCurrentTree: true,
		hideOnClick: false
$("#main-menu").smartmenus("itemActivate", $("#main-menu").find("a.current").eq( - 1));
var $mainMenu = $('#main-menu').on('click', 'span.sub-arrow', function(e) {
		// toggle the sub menu on sub arrow click in collapsible mode
		var obj = $'smartmenus');
		if (obj.isCollapsible()) {
			var $item = $(this).parent(),
				$sub = $item.parent().dataSM('sub'),
				subIsVisible = $sub.dataSM('shown-before') && $':visible');
			$sub.dataSM('arrowClicked', true);
			if (subIsVisible) {
		// don't show the sub menu in collapsible mode unless the sub arrow is clicked
		'beforeshow.smapi': function(e, menu) {
			var obj = $'smartmenus');
			if (obj.isCollapsible()) {
				var $menu = $(menu);
				if (!$menu.dataSM('arrowClicked')) {
					return false;
		'show.smapi': function(e, menu) {
		'hide.smapi': function(e, menu) {

