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Reply To: accordion failed

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x accordion failed Reply To: accordion failed


The old v0.9.x releases used to work like an accordion in collapsible mode but, based on user feedback and UX testing (proving, for example, that it is sometimes not appropriate to auto collapse other branches since the active item might be scrolled out of view), this was changed in v1.0. Now sub menus can only be collapsed manually or when the whole tree is reset on click/tap elsewhere on the page.

You could, however, bring back the accordion behavior if you like, by adding the following API tweak on your page:

$(function() {
	$('#main-menu').bind('click.smapi', function(e, item) {
		var obj = $(this).data('smartmenus');
		if (obj.isCollapsible()) {
			var $item = $(item),
				$sub = $item.dataSM('sub');
			if ($sub && !$':visible')) {
				obj.itemActivate($item, true);
				return false;

Let me know if you have any troubles.