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Reply To: Bootstrap automatic carets

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x + Bootstrap addon Bootstrap automatic carets Reply To: Bootstrap automatic carets


Hmm, I may think of some easy tweak in the future (like a new data-* attribute to control this easily) but for now you would need to edit “jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js” – you need to replace the following code:


					// these are some good default options that should work for all
					// you can, of course, tweak these as you like
					subMenusSubOffsetX: 2,
					subMenusSubOffsetY: -6,
					subIndicators: false,
					collapsibleShowFunction: null,
					collapsibleHideFunction: null,
					rightToLeftSubMenus: $this.hasClass('navbar-right'),
					bottomToTopSubMenus: $this.closest('.navbar').hasClass('navbar-fixed-bottom')

with the following:


					// these are some good default options that should work for all
					// you can, of course, tweak these as you like
					subMenusSubOffsetX: 2,
					subMenusSubOffsetY: -6,
					subIndicators: true,
					subIndicatorsPos: 'append',
					subIndicatorsText: '',
					collapsibleShowFunction: null,
					collapsibleHideFunction: null,
					rightToLeftSubMenus: $this.hasClass('navbar-right'),
					bottomToTopSubMenus: $this.closest('.navbar').hasClass('navbar-fixed-bottom')