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Reply To: Two navbars, apply to one, ignore the other...

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Two navbars, apply to one, ignore the other... Reply To: Two navbars, apply to one, ignore the other...


Ok, sometimes it takes filing a support request to empty your head so you can find the problem….

I finally noticed your note at the end of the Bootstrap specific page…

The default options used in jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js should work well for all. However, you can, of course, tweak them if you like.

I altered the starting lines like so…

$('').each(function() {    // <- added the '.sm'
	var $this = $(this);
	$this.smartmenus({                // <- removed the '.addClass('sm')'

While it was a simple fix, it’s a bit of a PITA to have to change this every time you update your codebase, would have preferred this to be some form of call time param.

Anyhow, thanks for a great piece of code!

